Homemade Bug Repellent

On your next run, BBQ or camping trip don’t let the bugs bite. Give this homemade bug repellent spray a try. Easy to make with common essential oils.


10 Drops Lemongrass
10 Drops Lavender
10 Drops Geranium
10 Drops Pepperment
1 1/2 Tbsp of distilled water
1 tsp of carrier oil
1 tsp of vodka or witch hazel

In a small 60 – 90ml spray bottle mix the drops of essential oils and add distilled water, carrier oil and your choice of vodka or witch hazel. Shake well before spraying on your skin.

#ameo #essentialOils #Lemongrass #Lavender #Geranium

Peace, your friends at https://wellbeings.myzija.com